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The Shipping News (2001)
Studio: Buena Vista
MPAA Rating: R
Run Time: 111 minutes
Audio Format:
Dolby Digital 5.1
Video Format:
2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen

The Movie: I added this movie to my Netflix queue during a phase I had where I wanted to watch every Kevin Spacey flick I could. Before searching specifically for Kevin Spacey movies, I had never actually heard about this one. It's about a guy who is generally inept in most ways, and eventually moves from New York to his ancestral home in Newfoundland, where he finds that there's a lot of secrets behind his family.

I found this movie to be an interesting look into the life of Newfies, and Julianne Moore is always nice to look at. I also liked how The Shipping News rode that borderline between the natural and supernatural, never fully letting on if anything supernatural is really going on.

Overall, I gotta give this movie a "just OK". I wouldn't go out of my way to see i, but if you do see it, you most likely won't feel like you wasted your time watching it.

The DVD: The anamorphic transfer on this disc was very clean. The colors were generally muted, though I suspect that's how they were supposed to be in order to portray the bleak landscape of Newfoundland. Audio was clean, but nothing terribly exciting as this is mostly a dialog driven piece.

Special features include commentary, and a making of, and not a whole lot else.

Date reviewed: 2004-03-21


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